Meetings on the horizon
Open meetings will be held to obtain public comment on a new proposed LCD or on the revised portion of an existing LCD. The clinical evidence considered in the development and/or revision is included in the Bibliography.
* Open meeting dates, locations, times, and topics are subject to change.
Current meeting:
Open meeting registration is currently not available. Registration will open approximately two weeks prior to the next meeting. Please watch here for meeting details and registration for the next meeting to be posted.
Date * |
Attendees |
Location * |
Time * |
Agenda |
Registration |
Stakeholders and other interested parties |
Webinar only |
10:00 a.m. ET |
Will be opened two weeks prior to the meeting |
Will be opened two weeks prior to the meeting |
The proposed Jurisdiction L (JL) LCDs are posted on our website.
Open meetings are to allow interested parties the opportunity to make presentations of information and offer comments related to new proposed LCDs and/or the revised portion of a proposed LCD that are in the 45-day open comment period.
Want to get involved? Submit written comments on a proposed LCD or register as a presenter to share your comments during our meeting.
Please read our Open Meeting Fact Sheet for more details.
Please watch this page for updates regarding our next open meeting. First Coast will publish notice of the open meetings including date, time, location, and registration requirements to this website a minimum of two weeks prior to the meeting. The open meeting notice will coincide with the proposed LCDs being published on our website.
Please note that the open meeting is not a forum for discussing the following:
Specific claims
Submission of new drugs
Marketing of forthcoming drugs or medical devices
Information regarding new drugs, indications, or marketing information should be submitted according to Novitas Solutions’ protocol.
Specific claim questions, including billing, pricing, and coding, should be directed to our JL Customer Service Center at 1-877-235-8073.
All open meetings will be recorded. You may listen to the audio recording and/or read the written transcript for prior meetings here.