Access to the FISS system allows customers to perform multiple billing functions such as keying claims via direct data entry (DDE), checking claim status, performing claim corrections, and much more. Each user who registers for access will receive their own unique logon ID (RACF ID), which should not be shared with anyone for security reasons. Please complete the steps below to successfully register for access to the FISS system.
Note: Per direction from CMS, effective August 1, 2019, eligibility must be obtained through the HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System (HETS). There are two ways to register for HETS access. Users may enroll to submit and retrieve the HIPPA compliant 270/271 transactions directly on the CMS HETS webpage or enroll for access to Novitasphere, our free secure internet portal.
To protect the personal information of our customers, email communications from our Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) team will sometimes arrive in your inbox as an encrypted message using Zixcorp secure mail. These instances are one-on-one communications and are often related to Fiscal Intermediary Shared System (FISS) enrollment-related inquiries and information.
The Zixcorp secure email will be from a “” address. The first time you receive a Zixcorp secure e-mail from us, you will be required to complete a few brief steps to establish a new account. Once registration is complete, you can then log in and view the email details. The registration process only needs to occur one time per email address. Any additional emails sent to you will automatically redirect you to the login screen to view them instead of the registration screen.
Please review the web page “Accessing secured email messages from Provider Enrollment or other Novitas departments” for step by step instructions and screen prints of the Zixcorp registration process.
Novitasphere offers Part A users a fast and easy way to access a number of time-saving features including eligibility information and the ability to look up the new MBI numbers for their patients via the MBI Lookup Tool! Now, Part A portal users also can check claim status in the portal! The feature provides details such as billed and paid amounts, check number, status and finalized date, as well as patient claim information and line item details. Also, users have the capability to save or print claim status information via a “PDF” icon.
To learn more about Novitasphere, please join us for our Novitasphere Part A overview webinar. This webinar reviews all features within Novitasphere and offers a question-and-answer session at the conclusion of each presentation. Please visit our Educational Events page for dates and times, and to register for an event.
To find more information about Novitasphere, including how to enroll, or reference materials, please visit the Novitasphere Center.
All customers who are requesting a FISS RACF ID must be enrolled for electronic billing. If not already enrolled, complete an EDI enrollment form prior to completing the FISS application. Once the EDI enrollment form is processed, you will receive a letter confirming your enrollment. At that time, you can complete the FISS application for access.
FISS requires a secure telecommunication connection from your facility. This connection is received by contracting with one of the secure DDE vendors. Contact a vendor prior to completing the FISS application.
We must supply you with a unique RACF ID to access the FISS system. Please allow 20 business days before contacting our Customer Contact Center on the status of your application. Please ensure that you are completing your FISS application accurately and in its entirety to avoid a return. Please refrain from sending duplicate requests, as it results in increased processing time for valid requests.
New and existing users should complete the FISS enrollment application. All FISS RACF ID users agree to the following terms and conditions at the time your application is submitted:
That the user has read and completed the application in accordance to CMS Security policy.
That the user understands the responsibility to protect and maintain the confidentiality of the data.
That the user also understands that if the Medicare data obtained from the FISS is mishandled in any way, the user will be held responsible in accordance with Medicare requirements.
That the user agrees that Novitas can add my email address indicated above to the general email list to receive electronic notifications.
That the user understands that if I do not wish to receive email notifications, I can unsubscribe at any time on the Novitas website.
That the user agrees that this unique ID will not be used by anyone other than the person to whom it is assigned and that I may be held legally responsible for any disclosure of the ID.
That the user agrees that this unique ID will not be shared with anyone including coworkers, supervisors, DDE third parties, or Network Connectivity vendors.
That the user agrees that this unique ID will not be stored or used in any type of scripting or software that uses automation to generate FISS transactions.
After thoroughly reviewing the requirements above, complete the FISS Enrollment Application (JL) (JH). This application should be used to submit the following requests:
New users requesting a RACF ID
Reinstate a RACF ID that has been deactivated for inactivity
Add PTANs to existing access
Remove access
Other updates such as name, PIN, or email address changes
Please review Common FISS form errors that may cause your form to be returned to ensure the application is completed correctly.
Request status of your FISS application here.
The CMS requires annual recertification of every user that has access to the FISS system. Click here for more information.
Users who sign on to DDE through Companion Data Services (CDS) can reset their own passwords. You can only use the automated password reset option once in a 24-hour period.