Modifier TC is used when only the technical component (TC) of a procedure is being billed when certain services combine both the professional and technical portions in one procedure code.
Use modifier TC when the physician performs the test but does not do the interpretation.
The payment for the TC portion of a test includes the practice expense and the malpractice expense.
TC procedures are institutional and cannot be billed separately by the physician when the patient is:
In a covered Part A stay in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) location
This modifier must be reported in the first modifier field.
Add modifier TC to:
Bill for only the TC of a test
Procedures that have a "1" in the professional component (PC)TC field on the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database (MPFSDB)
Procedures falling into the following types of service:
1 - Medical care/injections
2 - Surgery
4 - Radiology
5 - Lab
6 - Radiation therapy
8 - Assistant surgeon
When billing both the PC and TC components of a procedure, and the TC was purchased from an outside entity:
The provider bills the PC on one line of service and the TC on a separate line.
Do not add modifier TC:
To submit separately when one physician performs both the professional and technical components on the same day.
When adding it to:
Professional component only procedure codes identified on the MPFSDB by a "2" in the PC/TC column
Global test only procedure codes identified on the MPFSDB by a "4" in the PC/TC column
Technical component only procedure codes identified on the MPFSDB by a "3" in the PC/TC column
To add TC and 26 modifiers to a procedure code.