Missed a live webinar? No problem! Check out the recordings of recent webinars in the list provided. The webinar list is refreshed monthly, so continue to monitor this page for additional recordings.
We do not post all webinar event recordings to the website. If you do not see the event recording on this list, please continue to monitor our event calendar (JH)(JL) to determine if we will be repeating the event live in the near future.
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1/27/2025 Understanding the January 2025 Outpatient Prospective Payment System (Part A) |
Start the year off with an overview of Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS). We will review in detail each update or change implemented with the 2025 OPPS release. To promote success for 2025 we will also highlight valuable resources that will assist with staying up to date with each quarterly OPPS update. |
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1/23/2025 Rural Health Clinics (RHC) 2025 Medicare Updates (Part A) |
This course is a review of the most recent 2025 Medicare updates for Chronic Care Management (CCM), distant site Telemedicine services after the Public Health Emergency (PHE) and more for Rural Health Clinics (RHC). |
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1/23/2025 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) 2025 Medicare Updates (Part A) |
This course is a review of the most recent 2025 Medicare updates for Chronic Care Management (CCM), distant site Telemedicine services after the Public Health Emergency (PHE) and more for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC). |
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1/22/2025 Medicare Part B Updates - January 2025 (Part B) |
This course is a review of the most recent Medicare updates and typically contains a wide variety of topics which include, but are not limited to, MAC initiatives, CMS initiatives, quarterly and annual updates, as well as preventive service reminders. |
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1/21/2025 Local Coverage Determination (LCD) Additions and Revisions (Part A/B) |
This course will include new, revised, proposed and retired local coverage determinations and billing and coding articles. We will review allergy testing, diagnostic colonoscopy, electroretinography, genetic testing for lynch syndrome, peripheral nerve blocks and more. |
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1/16/2025 Medicare Part A Updates - January 2025 (Part A) |
This course is a review of the most recent Medicare updates and typically contains a wide variety of topics which include, but are not limited to, MAC initiatives, CMS initiatives, quarterly and annual updates, as well as preventive service reminders. |
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1/15/2025 Credit Balance Reporting and Submission Errors (Part A) |
Begin the year with our credit balance reporting course that will highlight all the fundamentals when completing the report each quarter. We will discuss how to complete and submit the report, report requirements, and important due dates to assist your facility in meeting reporting requirements. |
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12/18/2024 Overview of Medicare Coverage and Guidelines for Ophthalmology Services (Part A/B) |
This webinar will provide an overview of the Medicare benefit category related to vision services. We will review ophthalmology services and discuss related National Coverage Determinations (NCD), Local Coverage Determinations (LCD), and related Internet Only Manual (IOM) guidelines. We will conclude with on overview of Medicare resources to assist with navigating to and identifying beneficial resources and self-help tools. |
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12/17/2024 Evaluation and Management Services: The Basics (Part B) |
This webinar is designed to provide resources for understanding E/M coding and locating the requirements for Medicare. In addition, we'll provide an overview of recent E/M revisions finalized for 2025. This self-help course will assist you in locating readily available information on our E/M Center. |
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12/11/2024 Preparing Your Patients for a Healthy Future (Part A/B) |
Prepare your patients for the future by understanding which preventive services may have been part of their past. Utilize Novitasphere which is our free, secure internet portal available for use by our providers, facilities, billing services, clearinghouses and support staff. This webinar will review some available preventive services, the next eligible date for a patient, and provide an overview of the portal including eligibility and how it is used when billing for preventive services. |
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JH |
12/09/2024 Performant Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) General Outreach (Part A/B) |
This webinar will be co-presented with Performant Healthcare Solutions, the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) for Jurisdiction H. Performant will give an overview of the RAC program goals and detailed information navigating the RAC processes. |
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12/06/2024 Successfully Complete Your Medicare Revalidation (Part A/B) |
Revalidation of your enrollment record to ensure it reflects the most current information is a requirement for compliance in the Medicare program. This webinar will provide an overview of the provider enrollment revalidation process, including how to identify revalidation due dates, how to complete and submit a revalidation application, and how to monitor the processing status of the application once submitted. We will review the new "stay of enrollment" status imposed on providers if the requirement to revalidate is not completed in its entirety. We will also review the requirements for the new Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) attachment that is a part of the updated CMS-855A application. |
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12/04/2024 Cardiology Non-Emergent Outpatient Stress Testing (Part B) |
This session will examine the noninvasive testing in the outpatient setting to assess for coronary artery disease (CAD) and left ventricular (LV) dysfunction by utilizing conventional exercise stress testing without imaging or by utilizing exercise or pharmacologic stress testing with imaging. We will review coverage, reasonable and necessary indications, limitations and provider qualifications for this procedure. |
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11/21/2024 Medicare Education Spotlight: The Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) Program (Part A/B) |
Improper payment rates identified by the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program are used by CMS to calculate the national and MAC improper payment rate. During this education spotlight webinar, we’ll outline the CERT review process, current topics under review, and discuss the importance of responding to documentation requests. |
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11/19/2024 StayConnected:Acupuncture and Chronic Pain Management and Treatment Services (Part B) |
Stay connected with the Medicare Pain Management Series. Medicare covers a variety of chronic pain management (CPM) interventions and treatments in support of promoting non-opioid pharmacological patient care. during this webinar, we will highlight Medicare coverage of acupuncture for chronic lower back pain and review chronic pain management (CPM) multimodal pain care. |
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11/07/2024 Chiropractic Services: A Review of Billing, Coverage, Documentation Requirements and Improper Payment (Part B) |
This webinar will provide valuable information on billing, coverage, purposeful documentation guidelines and improper payment errors for Chiropractic services. We'll examine improper payment errors identified by the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) Program and the importance of responding to documentation requests. We will conclude by sharing valuable resources and references. |
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11/07/2024 Medicare Preventive Services: Heart Disease (Part A/B) |
Access to preventive services help patients identify health risk factors and disease such as cardiovascular disease and provide greater opportunity for early treatment. Preventive services can keep Medicare patients as healthy as possible for as long as possible. This session will review cardiovascular disease screening, blood pressure monitoring, intensive behavior therapy, counseling to prevent tobacco use and more. |
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11/06/2024 Novitasphere Redesign Overview Part A (Part A) |
Novitasphere is our free, secure internet portal available for use by our JH and JL providers, facilities, billing services, clearinghouses and support staff. Novitasphere is being redesigned to a more modern look and feel. The new user interface (UI) will be available on December 9. This webinar will introduce Part A Novitasphere users to the redesigned screens for current features and several feature enhancements. Join us to learn more. |
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11/04/2024 Novitasphere Redesign Overview Part B (Part B) |
Novitasphere is our free, secure internet portal available for use by our JH and JL providers, facilities, billing services, clearinghouses and support staff. Novitasphere is being redesigned to a more modern look and feel. The new user interface (UI) will be available on December 9. This webinar will introduce Part B Novitasphere users to the redesigned screens for current features and several feature enhancements. Join us to learn more. |
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10/22/2024 Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) Additions and Revisions (Part A/B) |
This course will include new, revised, proposed and retired local coverage determinations and local coverage articles. The session will review cervical fusion, facet joint interventions for pain management, implantable continuous glucose monitors, allergy testing, genetic testing for cardiovascular disease, molecular pathology and genetic testing and more. |
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10/17/2024 Medicare Part A Updates - October 2024 (Part A) |
This course is a review of the most recent Medicare updates and typically contains a wide variety of topics which include, but are not limited to, MAC initiatives, CMS initiatives, quarterly and annual updates, as well as preventative service reminders. |
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10/15/2024 Medicare Part B Updates - October 2024 (Part B) |
This course is a review of the most recent Medicare updates and typically contains a wide variety of topics which include, but are not limited to, MAC initiatives, CMS initiatives, quarterly and annual updates, as well as preventative service reminders. |
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10/15/2024 Submitting Claims using PC-ACE (Part A/B) |
This course will review the PC-ACE program. Join us for a demonstration on how to submit your claim file via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) or through the Novitasphere or SPOT Portal. We will outline how to configure the software, claim entry, file preparation, view acknowledgement reports and 835 ERA files. |
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JH |
10/09/2024 Navigating the RAC Process - Session 3 of 3, CMS Recovery Auditor Contractor Activities (Part A/B) |
This webinar will be co-presented with Performant Healthcare Solutions, the Recovery Auditor Contractor (RAC) for Jurisdiction H. Performant, the CMS RAC for Region 1, Region 2 and Region 5, will be providing an overview of the RAC program and detailed information over the course of 3 sessions that will assist you with navigating the RAC processes. During this 3rd session, we will provide a recap of what was covered in session 1 and 2 as well as covering RAC review concepts, how reviews are selected, the provider portal and RAC Website. |
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10/01/2024 StayConnected: Medicare Program Fundamentals (Part A/B) |
Stay connected as a new provider in Medicare by attending the New Provider Roadmap Workshop series. Start your journey on the New Provider Roadmap and join our presentation to learn about the fundamentals of the Medicare Program from the provider's perspective. This webinar will explore the basics of Medicare, covered and non-covered services, benefit eligibility, deductibles and Medicare reimbursement. |
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09/12/2024 Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility (Part A) |
This course will provide an overview of Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility (CORF) benefits, coverage requirements and billing guidelines. During the course we will review basic guidelines as well as focus on Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) and medical review errors, and how to avoid those errors. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about CORF services and accurate billing practices. |
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09/05/2024 Medicare Preventive Services: Immunizations (Part A/B) |
Immunizations are defined as a process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. In this webinar, we will outline the billing and coding requirements for vaccinations including Influenza and Pneumococcal. Additional billing details related to roster billing for both Part A Institutional and Part B Professional claims will be provided. We will conclude with a review of the resources and self-service tools that accompany these services. |
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08/29/2024 StayConnected: A Guide to Repaying Part B Medicare (Part B) |
Stay connected with Medicare Part B by attending the Part B Post-pay Workshop series. During this webinar, we'll examine differences between solicited and unsolicited overpayments, while exploring the recoupment process. We'll demonstrate how to submit voluntary refunds, request immediate offsets or extended repayment schedules, and identify self-service tools to access the repayment process. |
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08/22/2024 StayConnected: Identifying and Resolving Medicare Overpayments (Part A) |
Stay connected with Part A Medicare billing by attending the Medicare Part A Post Payment Workshop series. This webinar will review how to identify and resolve Part A Medicare overpayments and the options available for repayment. We will provide various self-service tools and resources to assist with overpayment resolution including requesting an immediate recoupment or an extended repayment schedule. |
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08/20/2024 Submitting Electronic Claims using PC-ACE (Part A/B) |
This course will review the PC-ACE program. Join us for a demonstration on how to submit your claim file via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) or through the Novitasphere Portal. We will outline how to configure the software, claim entry, file preparation, view acknowledgement reports and 835 ERA files. |
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08/12/2024 Modifier of the Month: Repeat Procedures: 76, 77 and 91 (Part B) |
Claims for repeat services can deny as duplicate claims if submitted without differentiating the services with proper modifiers. We'll provide guidance on submitting claims with modifiers 76, 77 and 91 to demonstrate repeat services and required supporting documentation. |
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08/08/2024 Evaluation and Management Services: Website References and Interactive Scoresheet for Office and Outpatient Services (Part B) |
This course is designed to provide resources to assist in determining outpatient E/M code levels using the interactive worksheet developed by Novitas. We will demonstrate how to find information available on our website. |
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08/01/2024 Evaluation and Management Services: Guidelines for Office and "Other" Outpatient Visits (Part B) |
This webinar will provide a review of office and outpatient visits, emergency department visits, and home and residence services. We will also delve into the complexities of code G2211. Additionally, we will explore valuable resources and references to help better understand and apply these coding guidelines. |
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07/30/2024 StayConnected: Steps 3 and 4 of Part A Claim Submission (Part A) |
Stay connected with Part A Medicare billing by attending our Steps to Part A Claim Submission workshop series. This series simplifies billing Part A services into four preparatory steps. During this webinar, we will review: Step 3 - Locating a Medicare coverage policy Step 4 - Verifying coding, correct unit reporting and utilizing modifiers |
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07/30/2024 StayConnected: Steps 1 and 2 of Part A Claim Submission (Part A) |
Stay connected with Part A Medicare billing by attending our Steps to Part A Claim Submission workshop series. This series simplifies billing Part A services into four preparatory steps. During this webinar, we will review: Step 1 - Screening Patient Eligibility Step 2 - Determining the Appropriate Procedure and Diagnosis Code |
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07/25/2024 New Local Coverage Determination: Cervical Fusion (Part A/B) |
This session will review the newly developed Medicare local coverage determination (LCD) and billing and coding article on cervical fusion for the decompression or stabilization of the cervical spine. Fusion alone or in conjunction with other cervical spine procedures is performed for the management and treatment of various spinal conditions. We will examine the coverage indications, limitations, medical necessity, provider qualifications and more. |
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07/23/2024 StayConnected: How to Utilize National Coverage Determinations (NCD) (Part A/B) |
Stay connected with patient care by attending the Medicare Coverage workshop series. This course is designed to provide an overview of National Coverage Determination (NCD) policies and how they aid in determining medial necessity, billing compliance and documentation requirements. We will demonstrate how to use NCDs for various billing scenarios and identify key resources. |
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07/18/2024 Medicare Part A Updates - July 2024 (Part A) |
This course is a review of the most recent Medicare updates and typically contains a wide variety of topics which include, but are not limited to, MAC initiatives, CMS initiatives, quarterly and annual updates, as well as preventative service reminders. |
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07/17/2024 Modifier of the Month: 50 Versus Anatomical Modifiers (Part B) |
When submitting claims for procedures performed unilaterally or bilaterally during the same operative session, the proper modifier(s) should be applied to your claim lines. This course will demonstrate how to differentiate between using anatomical modifiers or modifier 50. We'll review appropriate use of these modifiers using relative claims and appeals examples. |
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07/16/2024 Medicare Part B Updates - July 2024 (Part B) |
This course is a review of the most recent Medicare updates and typically contains a wide variety of topics which include, but are not limited to, MAC initiatives, CMS initiatives, quarterly and annual updates, as well as preventative service reminders. |
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07/11/2024 StayConnected: Facet Joint Interventions (Part B) |
Stay Connected with patient care by attending the Medicare Pain Management series. During this webinar, we will review Medicare guidelines for facet joint intervention, including coverage guidance, covered indications, limitations, provider qualifications, billing and coding, and purposeful documentation requirements . We'll also highlight how prior authorization is currently in effect for these services when provided in a hospital outpatient department setting. |
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07/10/2024 StayConnected: Anesthesia Billing and Documentation Guidance (Part B) |
Stay connected with patient care by attending the Medicare Pain Management series. This event will provide an overview of anesthesia coverage, billing and purposeful documentation guidelines. We will review various billing scenarios, anesthesia modifiers, medical direction of concurrent case requirements, calculation of time units, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) and how to avoid improper payment and documentation errors. |
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07/10/2024 Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) Additions and Revisions (Part A/B) |
This course will include new, revised, proposed and retired local coverage determinations and local coverage articles. The session will review transesophageal echocardiography, major joint replacement, independent diagnostic testing facilities, polysomnography and sleep testing, self-administered drug exclusion list and more. |
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07/09/2024 StayConnected: Trigger Point and Epidural Injection (Part B) |
Stay connected with patient care by attending the Medicare pain Management series. This session will provide an overview of trigger point injections and epidural sterioid injections for pain management intervention. We will review coverage guidance, covered indications, limitations, provider qualifications, utilization guidelines and purposeful documentation requirements for these injections. We will also provide information concerning medical review findings and provide guidance and best practice to prevent them. |
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07/02/2024 Understanding Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) Services (Part B) |
This course will focus on Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) service guidelines and billing regulations. We'll examine BHI codes and explore the role of care team members who provide these services, as well as valuable resources and references for your patients. |
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06/20/2024 Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Series: Consolidated Billing (Part A/B) |
The next course in our Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) series is designed to educate Medicare providers on SNF consolidated billing (CB). We will discuss the inclusions and exclusions with an explanation of the major categories. We will review the annual coding files and highlight tips for successful billing. We will conclude with SNF CB scenarios and examine the resources available. |
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06/18/2024 Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Series: SNF 5-Claim Probe and Educate and Understanding the Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) (Part A) |
The next course in our Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) series will review the SNF 5-Claim Probe and Educate initiative and how it relates to the Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM). In this session, we will explore SNF payment resources and self-service tools available. |
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JH |
06/17/2024 Navigating the RAC Process – An Overview of the CMS Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) Activities – Part 2 (Part A/B) |
This webinar will be co-presented with Performance Healthcare Solutions, the Recovery Auditor Contractor (RAC) for Jurisdiction H. We will provide a brief review of the topics covered in Part 1, RAC program goals, record requests, extension requests and contact information. Part 2 will provide a detailed overview of Review Result Letters, the Discussion Period, and esMD. |
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06/13/2024 Understanding the Fundamentals of Ambulance Services (Part A/B) |
This webinar is designed for Part A providers and Part B suppliers who provide Ground Ambulance Transportation services to Medicare beneficiaries. We will review the ambulance coverage requirements, trip record documentation guidelines and Physician’s Certification Statement (PCS) requirements for ambulance transport services to Medicare beneficiaries. |
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06/12/2024 Modifiers of the Month: 22, 52 and 53 (Part B) |
Claims for increased procedural services, reduced services and discontinued procedures should have supporting documentation to avoid claim denials and future appeals. With this course, we'll provide guidance on properly submitting claims with documentation when applying modifiers 22, 52 and 53. |
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06/11/2024 Psychiatric Services (Part B) |
This course will provide an overview of psychiatric services including diagnostic evaluations, psychological and neuropsychological testing, psychotherapy, family and group therapy and behavioral health integration services. We'll identify who can provide services, explore medical necessity and documentation requirements, as well as review recent audit findings. |
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06/05/2024 StayConnected: Chronic and Transitional Care Management (Part B) |
Stay connected with your Medicare patient's health and wellness by participating in our Care Management workshop series. Care planning and management becomes critical as more Medicare patients develop multiple chronic conditions. Chronic care management (CCM) and transitional care management (TCM) serve as critical components to bettering patient health outcomes by ensuring access to care, care coordination and care continuity. During this webinar, we will review Medicare coverage and billing requirements, identify types of providers who can render these services, address common improper payment errors, and conclude with documentation guidance. |
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06/04/2024 StayConnected: Cognitive Assessment (Part B) |
Stay connected with your Medicare patient's health and wellness by participating in our Care Management workshop series. Medicare covers a separate visit to more thoroughly assess your patient's cognitive function and develop a care plan, if a Medicare patient shows signs of cognitive impairment during a routine visit. This evaluation may be helpful to diagnose a person with dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, and to identify treatable causes or co-occurring conditions such as depression or anxiety. During this webinar, we will define cognitive assessment services and identify who can render the service. We will also review billing, coverage and documentation requirements. |
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06/03/2024 StayConnected: Principal Care Management and Advance Care Planning (Part B) |
Stay connected with your Medicare patient's health and wellness by participating in our Care Management workshop series. Principal care management (PCM) was introduced to provide comprehensive care management for beneficiaries with a single, high-risk condition or with multiple chronic conditions but focused on a single high-risk condition. Advance care planning is for patients to discuss their health care wishes if they become unable to make their own decisions. During this webinar, we will define principal care management and advance care planning, and identify who can render these services. We will also review billing, coverage and documentation requirements. |
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05/29/2024 Compliance Training: Using Third Party Billing Companies (Part B) |
It is vital our providers know exactly who is handling your claims and what they are doing with your information. The POE A/B MAC Workgroup developed this third-party biller compliance training to assist you in identifying inappropriate third-party billing activities, define your provider legal responsibilities and help identify vulnerabilities your practice may have to protect you and your patients' health information. |
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05/28/2024 End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Services Billing and Documentation Guidance (Part A/B) |
This webinar will provide an overview of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) services including billing guidance Part A and B providers. We will highlight documentation requirements and provide guidance to prevent common billing errors identified by the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program, Recovery Auditor (RA), and Medical Review. We will also review helpful self-service tools and resources specifically for ESRD facilities and providers. |
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05/23/2024 Reviewing the Basics of Infusion and Hydration Services in an Outpatient Setting (Part A) |
Infusion, hydration, and injection services follow coding guidelines specific to orders placed and often time-based CPT codes. This presentation will provide an overview of infusion and hydration therapy services including basic billing guidelines, general coding, review of coding hierarchy, and time requirements. We will also review documentation requirements to assist with correct code assignment and potential audits. |
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05/22/2024 StayConnected: When and How to Submit Part B Appeals (Part B) |
Stay connected with Medicare Part B by attending the Part B Post-pay Workshop series. This webinar will provide an overview of the Part B appeals process including the different levels of appeal and submission timeframes, clarification of non-appealable claims, and appeal status. |
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05/21/2024 StayConnected: What Happens After the Claim is Submitted (Part B) |
Stay connected with Medicare Part B by attending the Part B Post-pay Workshop series. This webinar will review the stages of the Part B financial process after claims are submitted to Medicare, including claim processing and adjudication. We'll outline how to identify claim status, define the fields on the Medicare remittance advice (RA) and demonstrate how to successfully use this resource to monitor claims processing outcomes to reconcile patient accounts. |
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05/15/2024 Modifier of the Month: NCCI Modifiers 59, XE, XS, XU and XP (Part B) |
For non-evaluation and management services, modifiers 59 & X{EPSU} are used to identify distinct procedures or services not normally reported together when performed on the same day. As these modifiers are often used incorrectly, we'll explore the proper use of these modifiers, common scenarios, and supporting documentation requirements. |
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05/14/2024 Evaluation and Management: Incident-To Versus Split or Shared Visits (Part B) |
This course will outline the guidelines and regulations for "incident to" and split or shared evaluation and management (E/M) services. We will review Medicare billing and coding and purposeful documentation requirements for services rendered “incident to” or split/shared services between physicians and other qualified health care professionals. During this course, we will provide links to self-service tools that can assist in determining if services meet the necessary criteria. |
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05/08/2024 Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Series: Preparing and Submitting Part B Claims (Part B) |
This Part B provider course in our Medicare secondary payer (MSP) series will begin with a brief overview of the MSP program provisions and how to identify patient eligibility. We will progress to step-by-step guidance on claim completion and submission and conclude with interactive billing scenarios. |
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05/07/2024 StayConnected: Monitoring the Processing Status of Part A Claims (Part A) |
Stay connected with Part A Medicare billing by attending the Part A Post Payment Workshop series. This webinar will review the various stages of the Part A financial process after claims are submitted to Medicare, including claim processing and finalization. We will outline how to identify claim status, define the various fields on the Medicare remittance advice (RA) and demonstrate how to successfully use this resource to monitor claims processing outcomes to reconcile accounts and receivables. |
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05/02/2024 Reporting the Correct Place of Service (Part B) |
This course will focus on reporting the correct place of service (POS) codes on your Medicare claims to ensure appropriate reimbursement amounts are issued. We define the most commonly used codes and review how to use them. |
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05/02/2024 Medicare Compliance: Making the Most of the Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) Program (Part A/B) |
The Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) process facilitated by the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) is one type of pre or postpay medical review. The goal of the TPE program is to reduce provider burden by helping Medicare providers/suppliers quickly improve accuracy and reduce claim denials and appeals through increased one-on-one education. This webinar will review the TPE process, what to do if documentation is requested, how to identify active and closed TPE topics, and provide an overview of best practices for success. |
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05/01/2024 Medicare Covered Dermatology Services (Part A/B) |
Medicare covers medically necessary dermatology services for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of certain skin conditions. Join this session to review the Medicare coverage, billing and documentation requirements of services provided by dermatologists. We will conclude with an overview of recent medical review findings and identify resources to assist in preventing improper payment errors. |
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04/26/2024 StayConnected: Step 4 Claim Filing Expectations (Part B) |
Stay connected with Part B Medicare billing by attending our Steps to Part B Claim Submission workshop series. This series simplifies billing Part B services into easy preparatory steps. During this webinar, we'll review: -Steps to take once a claim has been filed -Verifying claim status and expectations |
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04/25/2024 Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) Series: Billing Examples and Top Claim Submission Errors and Resolutions (Part A) |
This webinar is for Rural Health Clinic (RHC) providers. During this overview, we will During this overview, we will review RHCs billing scenarios, address top billing errors and identify preventative resolutions. |
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04/25/2024 StayConnected: Step 3 Ensuring Billing Compliance (Part B) |
Stay connected with Part B Medicare billing by attending our Steps to Part B Claim Submission workshop series. This series simplifies billing Part B services into easy preparatory steps. During this webinar, we will review: - National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) - Procedure-to-Procedure Edits (PTP) - Add-on Codes (AOCs) - Medically Unlikely Edits (MUEs) |
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04/24/2024 Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) Series: Care Management and Telemedicine After the Public Health Emergency (PHE) (Part A) |
This webinar is for Rural Health Clinic (RHC) providers. During this overview, we will outline RHC billing requirements for Transitional Care Management (TCM) and Chronic Care Management (CCM), review Telemedicine services after the Public Health Emergency (PHE) and conduct a review of Credit Balance Reporting. |
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04/24/2024 StayConnected: Step 2 Submitting the Part B Claim (Part B) |
Stay connected with Part B Medicare billing by attending our Steps to Part B Claim Submission workshop series. This series simplifies billing Part B services into easy preparatory steps. During this webinar, we'll explore: - Claim submission guidance - Code selection best practices - Medicare coverage determination |
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04/23/2024 Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) Series: Requirements, Enrollment, Billing and Reimbursement Overview (Part A) |
This webinar is for Rural Health Clinic (RHC) providers. During this overview, we will outline RHC enrollment, reimbursement methods, billing requirements and review new updates. |
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04/23/2024 StayConnected: Step 1 Verifying Beneficiary Benefit Eligibility (Part B) |
Stay connected with Part B Medicare billing by attending our Steps to Part B Claim Submission workshop series. This series simplifies billing Part B services into easy preparatory steps. During this webinar, we will review: - Screening beneficiary Medicare benefit eligibility - Verifying benefit periods - Determining primary and secondary payers - Utilizing resources to assist |
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04/18/2024 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) Series: Billing Examples and Top Claim Submission Errors and Resolutions (Part A) |
This course is for Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) providers. During this overview, we will review FQHCs billing scenarios, address top billing errors and identify preventative resolutions. |
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04/18/2024 Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Screening and Treatment (Part A/B) |
The United States is in the midst of a national opioid crisis with substantial health, economic, and societal costs. Opioid and substance use disorders (OUDs/SUDs) continue to be a vital issue in our society. Through this course, we'll provide valuable information and guidance regarding OUD and SUD treatment services, Preventive screening for alcohol misuse, Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) services and opioid treatment programs (OTPs). |
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04/17/2024 Modifier of the Month: AS, 80, 81, 82 and 62 (Assistant-at-Surgery and Co-Surgeons) (Part B) |
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report indicating Medicare improperly paid physicians for co-surgery and assistant-at-surgery services were billed without the appropriate payment modifiers. Medicare makes a reduced payment to physicians who work together to perform a surgical procedure on the same patient during the same operative session. This course will explore the co-surgeon and surgical assistance modifiers (62, AS, 80, 82), and review the documentation requirements and various scenarios when these modifiers should be used. |
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04/17/2024 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) Series: Care Management and Telemedicine After the Public Health Emergency (PHE) (Part A) |
This course is for Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) providers. During this overview, we will outline FQHCs billing requirements for Transitional Care Management (TCM) and Chronic Care Management (CCM), review Telemedicine services after the Public Health Emergency (PHE) and conduct a review of Credit Balance Reporting. |
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04/16/2024 Podiatry Services: Debridement of Nails (Part B) |
This course will review coding and billing guidelines, coverage limitations, and purposeful documentation requirements regarding debridement of nail(s) services. We will examine common errors and billing concerns identified by the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program and recent medical review activities and outline resources and best practices to avoid these findings. |
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04/16/2024 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) Series: Requirements, Enrollment, Billing and Reimbursement Overview (Part A) |
This course is for Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) providers. During this overview, we will outline FQHCs enrollment, Perspective Payment System (PPS) reimbursement methods, billing requirements (including Medicare Advantage Wrap around) and new updates. |
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04/16/2024 Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) Additions and Revisions (Part A/B) |
This course will include new, revised, proposed and retired local coverage determinations and local coverage articles. The session will review biomarkers for oncology, psychiatric codes, allergen immunotherapy, peripheral venous ultrasound and more. |
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04/10/2024 Critical access hospitals (CAH): Understanding designation, billing, and reimbursement (Part A) |
This webinar is for critical access hospital (CAH) facilities and providers. During this overview, we will outline CAH inpatient and outpatient billing for Method I and Method II CAHs, including specialty items/services (e.g., ambulance, observation and laboratory), review new updates and top errors. |
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03/28/2024 Evaluation and Management: Critical Care Services (Part B) |
Medicare improper payment data demonstrates critical care evaluation and management codes are consistent contributors to the Part B error rate at the national and contractor levels. This webinar will review updated coding and documentation guidelines for critical care evaluation and management services and how to avoid errors. |
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03/28/2024 Rural Emergency Hospital Guidelines (Part A) |
This course will apply to critical access hospitals (CAHs) and small rural hospitals in the process of converting or plan to convert in the future to a rural emergency hospital (REH). We will review requirements for enrolling, billing guidance for outpatient services and reimbursement associated with REH providers. |
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03/28/2024 Medicare Coverage for Dental Services (Part A/B) |
This event will review clarified Medicare coverage provisions for dental services. We will outline the provider enrollment process, claim submission guidelines, coverage and documentation requirements and various resources. Dentists and surgeons rendering dental services to Medicare patients and referring providers for dental services are encouraged to attend. |
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03/27/2024 Self-Service Tools and You: Navigating the Part A Novitas Website (Part A) |
The Novitas website offers a variety of tools and resources to help you answer your Part A Medicare questions. Join us as we demonstrate helpful self-service tools and users guides on the website to help you save time and money. |
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03/25/2024 Behavioral Health Services (Part B) |
This course will explore three important Medicare-covered behavioral health services that may improve patient outcomes. We’ll outline billing and coverage for Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) Services, Psychotherapy for Crisis, and Opioid Use Disorder (SUD) Screening and Treatment and conclude by sharing valuable resources and references. |
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03/19/2024 StayConnected: Enrolling in Electronic Billing (Part A/B) |
Stay connected as a new provider in Medicare by attending the New Provider Roadmap Workshop series. Learn about the endless advantages of electronic billing and let us guide you through starting the enrollment process today. This webinar will explore electronic billing benefits, products and services, enrollment forms, common enrollment scenarios and resources. |
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03/13/2024 Modifier of the Month: Fundamentals of Global Surgery - Part 2 (Part B) |
During this two-part series, you'll discover the global surgery concept, as well as the correct use of modifiers for visits and other procedures within the global surgical period. We'll examine the basics of post-operative and surgical modifiers (54, 55, 58, 78, 79, 50, and LT/RT,) while demonstrating scenarios to appropriately apply these modifiers, guiding you through billing scenarios and reimbursement methodologies for various surgical situations. |
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03/12/2024 Modifier of the Month: Fundamentals of Global Surgery - Part 1 (Part B) |
During this two-part series, you'll discover the global surgery concept, as well as the correct use of modifiers for visits and other procedures within the global surgical period. We'll examine the basics of global surgery and explore evaluation and management modifiers (24, 25, 57 and FT) while demonstrating how to appropriately apply these modifiers, as we guide you through billing scenarios and reimbursement methodologies for surgical situations. |
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03/08/2024 Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Series: Identifying the Primary Payer (Part A/B) |
The second course in our Medicare secondary payer (MSP) series navigates how to identify the primary payer. We will explore the role of the MSP Contractor. We will examine the MSP resources and self-service tools available. |
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03/08/2024 Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Series: Fundamentals (Part A/B) |
This first course in our Medicare secondary payer (MSP) series provides the definition and purpose of the MSP program. We will review the MSP provisions including Group Health Plans (GHPs) and Non-group Health Plans (NGHPs). We will explore MSP resources and self-service tools available. |
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03/07/2024 Preventive Services at a Glance (Part A/B) |
This webinar will examine the interactive CMS Preventive Services Chart identifying the information that can be obtained through this resource and many others. We will also outline the methods available to providers to verify patient eligibility for preventive and screening services, including the interactive voice response (IVR) unit, Novitasphere and SPOT. |
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03/06/2024 StayConnected: How to Utilize the FastTrack to Medicare Coverage Policies Tool (Part A/B) |
Stay connected with the Medicare Coverage workshop series. Do you find it challenging to identify a Medicare coverage policy concerning a particular item or service? This course will simplify Medicare coverage policies navigation and explain what to do if no Medicare policies are identified. We will demonstrate how the FastTrack tool guides you through various Medicare policy resources that are available to you and demonstrate effective methods for its use with various billing scenarios. |
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03/05/2024 StayConnected: How to Utilize Local Coverage Determination (LCD) (Part A/B) |
Stay connected with the Medicare Coverage workshop series. This course is designed to provide an overview of Local Coverage Determination (LCD) policies and Local Coverage Articles (LCA) and how they aid in determining medical necessity, billing compliance and documentation requirements. We will demonstrate how to use LCDs and LCAs for various billing scenarios and identify key resources. |
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